Help These Four Awesome Ideas Become Reality

The online world connects us like never before. One thing I’ve discovered is this: there are a lot of talented writers, artists, and musicians in the world. Here are four projects you should consider following or getting involved in:

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My friend Andi grew up on a beautiful estate in south-central Virginia. Her father was the caretaker. But as she grew older, she started to have a startling realization: well over 200 slaves had run the property back in the 1800s. For the last year she has been doing research, delving into the lives of the slaves who lived and died there, and compiling their stories into what she hopes will be a book.

You can help this book become reality. Simply go to her Kickstarter page and make a donation (of any amount!). If everyone who visited this blog last month gave just a few dollars, Andi would be well on her way. But the way that Kickstarter works is that if she doesn’t raise the entire amount by Monday morning, she doesn’t get any of the money. So make it fast!

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My friend Chad Thomas Johnston is one of the most creative folks that I know. He recently made one of his albums available FOR FREE DOWNLOAD! His sound reminds me of a melancholy mix of Simon and Garfunkel and Innocence Mission, two of my favorite bands. Did I mention it’s free? Download it HERE.

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Another musician, this one with Lancaster County roots, has started a Kickstarter campaign to help fund his first album. Jake Lewis is his name (son-in-law of the infamous Gerry Stoltzfoos). Head HERE to see a video about Jake’s plans or to donate to the project.

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If you are trying to find your fans and create a tribe, whether you are a business person or an artist, you have to check out The Killer Tribes Conference being put on by Bryan Allain. Speakers include people like Derek Webb of Caedmon’s Call fame and Sarah Mae, author of the ebook, “31 Days to Clean.” You do not want to miss it.

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Finally, this week’s winners of My Amish Roots are Melinda Guerra and Kelsey Nowell. Please email your mailing address to me ( and I’ll see that a copy of the book makes it to you.

It’s not too late for you to win your own copy of My Amish Roots – simply join my email list over on the right hand sidebar. Next Friday I’ll be picking two more subscribers to give copies to, and on December 30th one lucky subscriber will win one copy of each of my four books.