What Was Your Favorite Blog From the Summer of 2011?

My favorite season of the year is only two weeks away: the smell of burning leaves, frost on the grass in the morning, hot chocolate, and football. Sweatshirts and boots and waiting for the heat to warm up the car.

But it was a good summer. A great summer. And this got me thinking: what were your go-to blogs this summer?

Did you discover a new blog that knocked your socks off?

Did you faithfully read an old standby blog, enjoying every minute of it?

Let us know the blog(s) that got you through the dog-days of summer.

6 Replies to “What Was Your Favorite Blog From the Summer of 2011?”

  1. Dude, I left a comment in the middle of the night, but I think it got lost in your spam filter (too many URLs). I came to this conclusion when, after trying to submit again, WordPress told me I’d already said that.

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