Looking For New Blogs to Read

I’m redoing my Google Reader next week so I’ve got two questions for you:

1 – What is your blog address (if you have one)?

2 – If you were only allowed to read ONE BLOG (besides your own), what would it be?

13 Replies to “Looking For New Blogs to Read”

  1. 1. aliens and strangers

    2. if i were only allowed one, i’d probably just stop reading altogether. but if you forced me to read one (and only one), i’d probably go with http://www.mrsec.com — it’s a blog on southeastern conference sports. it’s not that reading about sports is my favorite thing, but that blog is the only one of its type to which i’m subscribed; so i wouldn’t miss anything at all of that genre.

  2. My site is BigMama247.com. Thanks for asking! ;-D

    If I had to pick one blog to read, it would be Rachel Held Evans’s blog. She echoes so many of my thoughts, but with eloquence and good writing.

    That said, I’m very thankful I’m not stuck to one blog, as there are so many out there that inspire, entertain, challenge and inform me!

  3. My blog is italianlane.com. And I can only pick ONE blog? It would probably be your cousins’s blog, Janelle’s: stoltzfusinstrasburg.blogspot.com. :)

  4. I do not have a blog. . . yet. Thinking it would be alot of fun though. . . I follow over 40 blogs and I honestly don’t know if I could pick just one! It is huge mental stimulation/education for this mama who gets a bit bored breaking up todler fights all day.

  5. My main blog I love to read is A Pioneers Diary, I am inspired to read a young womans real life struggles with love, God and city life. Pictures are awesome, she makes me laugh and cry and she is my daughter.

  6. Mine is 830eyes.wordpress.com.

    I don’t know if I can pick just one – mostly a lot of personal blogs. If you want something different though, I really love hipsterpuppies.tumblr.com.

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