Today I’m over at Deeper Culture writing about the flannel boards from my childhood Sunday School and how they’ve led me to make up my own ending to one of the stories:
But there was one story that always left me wondering. It was the one with flannel Adam and Eve leaving the Garden of Eden in their new clothes of flannel animal skins. They looked sad and dejected. Behind them, two flannel cherubim guarded the entrance to the Tree of Life, and a flannel flaming sword glowed, reminding me of Saturday morning cartoons and the sword of He-Man, Master of the Universe.
That story of the first two people being sent out of the garden stuck in my mind because when I was a child I always wondered, “What happened to those two angels guarding the Tree of Life? Are they still standing there, flashing sword burning fire?”
You can read the rest of the post HERE.
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Today I’m giving away a free copy of Matthew Paul Turner’s wonderful children’s book, God Made Light. All you have to do in order to be entered to win the book is leave a comment here letting me know your favorite children’s book. Good luck!
Oh, I loves me some children’s books. Too hard to pick just one, but for now I’ll say “Where the Red Fern Grows.”
oh, I SO want a copy of God Made Light (but pennies are tight . . .). Um, I know this is cliche but I adore the Jesus Storybook Bible. Plus, all the Ramona books (since that is what I named my daughter)
I’m not sure how to pick just one! But a well liked one is The Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle
When I was a small child, a favorite was Look Out Mrs. Doodlepunk! There was also one about glasses that I can’t seem to remember the name of. Things looked scary until the child put on their glasses, and the scary image resolved into something ordinary. As I got older, going to the dentist was actually a treat, because I could walk to the bookstore while I waited for my family to finish their exams (all 6 of us went at once) and buy the next Little House book. I still have each of those books, although Little House in the Big Woods is now in several pieces. I went through a Nancy Drew phase. Then came Narnia, and the Hobbit, a gift from a sister. We were not rich – my daddy was a farmer – but each month, the books I ordered from Scholastic was always the tallest stack in my class. The teacher would put them on our desks during the last recess, and I couldn’t wait to get home and start reading. The Ghost of Windy Hill was one from Scholastic. A few others – I forget their names but I can remember some of the details. One, with a ghost, perhaps the one I mentioned, had a rhyme in it: “Down beneath the hollyhocks, where a head received some knocks…” I loved devouring the Scholastic paper, circling all those that I just had to have!
As an elementary ed major, I had to take Children’s Literature. I loved that class! A favorite memory is visiting the Tulsa library to get my required reading list, and seeing my professor. He was sitting in a small chair in the children’s section, his knees up to his chest, glasses way down on his nose, as he read a book. There was a stack of books next to him on the floor, and his cowboy boots were almost entirely visible. He seemed ancient back then. In reality, he was probably in his 50’s, closer to my age now than I care to admit.
Also during my years in college, a pastor quoted some lines from A Velveteen Rabbit. That’s the book I think of, now, when I think of my favorite children’s book. I think we have three copies of it.
Thank you for allowing me this stroll down memory lane.
My favorite children’s book is definitely Harold and the Purple Crayon. I love it because Harold creates a magical world using his imagination.
Anne of Green Gables
My favorite children’s book is The Sound of Colors, by Jimmy Liao.
I was a weird kid. I liked anything unique, creative, and loaded with easter eggs. Therefore, my favorite book was a pop-up book called “The Haunted House” by Jan Pieńkowski. It’s loaded with little surprises and things to explore and each page. I pulled it out of the attic last year, and it’s still a lot of fun. Here’s a YouTube demo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxfqALphKVk
A close second was “Hatchet.” It’s like the kids version of “Alive” with a lot less cannibalism.
It would be quite impossible to choose just one. Do the chronicles of narnia count? If not, I’d say The Little Red Hen.
Favorite children’s book is The Sneetches. We adopted our son and he turned 1 last month and loves to be read to. Love that he loves books.
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs… perhaps this is where my love of food began…. falling from the sky. Who wouldn’t want school to be closed because it was covered with giant pancakes and slathered in butter and syrup! YUM!
Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs… perhaps this is where my love of food began…. falling from the sky. Who wouldn’t want school to be closed because it was covered with giant pancakes and slathered in butter and syrup! YUM!
Runaway Bunny. Read Runaway Bunny, then read Psalm 139.
You’re the winner, Kent. Please email me your mailing address.
Favorite children’s story? Hmmm, I remember”Flat Stanley” and a collection of bedtime stories, but the book (and movie) that definitely had the most impact with stories that I can remember and retell even now, of course, is “Free to Be You & Me” ((includes “William Wants a Doll”, “Ladies First” “Story of Dudley Pippin” and So much more!
My favorite book as a child was “The Giving Tree” by Shel Silverstein. Now, reading with my daughter, I love (and tear up…) reading “Love You Forever” by Robert Munsch.
Big Red Barn has been a favorite children’s book since my son was born.
The Magician’s Nephew, CS Lewis
My favorite book as a child was called “Paul’s Christmas Birthday” – it’s about a boy named Paul whose birthday is Christmas Eve. My mom bought it for me because my name is Paul, and my birthday is Christmas Eve, though the book is not about me. Just a neat coincidence.
Thanks for the chance to win this book! My favorite children’s book right now is “Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus” by Mo Willems.
My very favorite is THE LION IN THE MEADOW! Full of imagination, mystery and learning how to compromise. My grandchildren love it too!
I really love Patricia Polacco books – her storied have so much meaning to them since they are based on her own life, and the illustrations are rich! And I also love the Jesus Storybook Bible – so encouraging to me to see Jesus weaved through the whole Bible! Thanks, Shawn!
Ohh. From childhood, my favorite was The Boxcar Children. Now I think The Harry Potter Series. Fave picture children’s book, maybe Rocaboxen. So hard to choose!
My favorite children’s book is I love you forever by Robert Munsch
“The Monster At The End Of This Book” with Grover from Sesame Street. The suspense and all the stuff falling apart on him was fascinating and hilarious to me.
I really liked Encyclopedia Brown when I was little, but now that I’m reading books to little ones of my own, I really like the SkippyJon Jones series.
Little Black Sambo
My favorite children’s book is Roald Dahl’s Danny the Champion of the World. Thanks!
My favorite is Mike Mulligan and His Steam Shovel!
My all time favorite is Oh! The Places You’ll Go!
And I thank you for this giveaway :)
I loved when my dad would read “Dangerous Journey” to us at night. It’s the children’s version of Pilgrim’s progress.