Four blog posts from other parts of the interwebs that you should read:
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Real Life, I think as we move in this car toward an unknown sea. We are always moving toward it. And what if it is the real life? This world, only virtual, only words on a screen. But in that one, we will finally know. We will finally be known.
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The widow and her mother came through the door. And we found out the deceased was only 36 years old. Five years older than me. Too young.
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In general, I don’t think that Christians should register with political parties.
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Indeed. Today I will pray, and I will vote, then I will do my best to laugh, dance, and shout—to do whatever I need to do to praise God for this most wonderful truth. A new creation is in his hands, unswayed by all that sways us, undivided by all that divides us.