Some blog posts in the internetiverse that got my attention this week:
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And here’s what I love about God: when I couldn’t bring myself to read his words, he came to me in mine.
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But now, well, it’s all that bitter sweet can be. I get to remember my mom, and I get to remember her death . . . and because she died on a holiday that doesn’t occur on the same date every year, I get to do that twice.
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At 6:30 AM Friday morning the funeral home doors opened. This was the situation at 6:15: [From “Black Friday at the Funeral Home“]
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Friend after friend announces agent contracts and publishing deals. This one didn’t even have to write a query letter and that one got into a bidding war. And oh my, I’m happy for them but all these victories tear at me. There is no forward momentum in my own writing and I fear this year will be for naught. What will this mean for next year? Five years from now?
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we forget about the beauty of the sacrifice.
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Because while the truth may set you free, it’s a rare person who won’t go a few rounds with it before finally surrendering and admitting defeat.
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The Worst Toys of 2012 (A Series of Posts)
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And yet, isn’t it true that when we’re uncomfortable, we reach more for God and do more for Him? When things aren’t right, we work to make them so. When life gets hard, we find empathy we didn’t know we had.
Thank you for linking to my post, Shawn! I appreciate it.
Very inspiring, Shawn. Do check out my spiritual blog,
Be Blessed