Untold wealth.
Close encounters with the paparazzi.
These types of results have been experienced by those generous enough to share their most-read post of the previous month here at the blog. Are you ready for how this is going to change your life?
For example, last month’s winner was Caleb Wilde. Since then he’s received a degree, landed a book deal and is adopting a child. Even better, he was asked to go on “Dancing With the Stars,” and I bought him lunch (only one of those is a total fabrication). All because he shared his blog here. There’s a chance that none of this would have taken place if he hadn’t given us a link to “Funerals: The Worst of Life.”
So head down to the comments section and give us the link to your own most-read blog post (or personal favorite) from the month of May. During the next week I’ll read every single one, then give you a helpful breakdown, a summary of the best blog posts from May.
If you’re not a blogger, feel free to give us one link to the best post you read this month.
Please remember, one link per person. I’ve only got so many hours in the day to spend interacting with others. I am a hermit, after all.
It isn’t my most read post from May, but it received the most response.
So, as I understand it, you personally guarantee a book deal and a degree if we win, and you’ll personally fund an adoption? You’re the best, Shawn.
Only if you join Twitter.
Yes, this.
It’s time. You’ll be fine.
Darn you both. Sigh…Okay, maybe.
Speaking of which, did one of you tweet me today? I’m getting a bunch of blog hits from Twitter, but not being on Twitter myself I, uh, can’t tell who to thank…
I tweeted you and the Rachel Held Evans retweeted you.
You’re welcome.
My most read post was actually about me and my mustache, but this was my personal favorite.
Make me famous Shawn.
What?! No link to the mustache post???
Well, I’ll give you the most popular and my favorite.
Most Popular is 5 Ways to Breathe New Life into Your Blog
Favorite, just because it got a lot of interaction and was fun, was: What’s on Your Bucket List? http://inklingmedia.net/2011/05/20/friday-game-whats-on-your-bucket-list/
Ohhwaaay, you totally cheated Ken!
You called him out Becky. Well done.
It was a late entry in the month, but my post last Friday was my second-biggest post ever on my blog. In it, I questioned the #1 piece of Christian marriage advice (“keep Christ at the center of your marriage”). As a Christian married to an atheist, I’ve been thinking about that for a while and finally gathered enough courage to write it. Some really interesting ideas bounced around in the comments.
Anyway, here’s the link: http://www.alise-write.com/2011/05/christ-centered-marriage.html
I think most of my big posts are more of the notoriety vein than fame. ;-)
You should change your Twitter handle from BigMama247 to NotoriousBIGMama247.
I wrote about being a dork (I’m learning to embrace my dorkiness instead trying to hide it) The moral of the post was how my eyes and mind can sometimes deceive me.
Embracing your inner dork. I’m looking forward to reading that one.
My biggest post of the month had to do with Rachel Held Evans’ ‘Rally to Restore Unity.’
It was titled “Church Segregation is Deeper Than Skin Tone.”
I look forward to hearing from Caleb’s publisher.
Thanks for sharing, Matt. Some great posts came out of that.
Yes, um, regarding that publication thing…
My most read post was actually just sharing a quote and a poem about the person I want to be – http://jonsothin.blogspot.com/2011/05/man-i-want-to-be.html
My favorite post was about God’s forgiveness – http://jonsothin.blogspot.com/2011/05/seventy-times-seven.html
Awesome. Thanks Jon.
Since winning last month, I was also asked to be Chuck Norris’ personal body guard, CBS contacted my agent to see if I’d be willing to replace Charlie Sheen on Two and a Half Men while NBC asked if I wanted Steve Carell’s position; and, Prince William personally apologized to me because apparently my “wedding invitation got lost when it crossed the pond.”
Perhaps, though, most importantly — after winning last month — Alise Wright graced me with a guest post at my blog TODAY!
yea but, why would Chuck Norris ever need a funeral director?
Because he leaves mountains of dead ninjas wherever he goes. Funeral Directors love him. Job security!
Oops. Shawn, I put the wrong link up there. Will you delete that comment, please.
Okay. My friend Chad keeps retweeting this making it my highest read post from May. It’s not my best work, and it needs some fleshing out, but there you have it. http://jenniferluitwieler.com/2011/05/04/for-gail-my-theory-of-poo-and-the-heart/
My second most widely read was the community piece. http://jenniferluitwieler.com/?p=608 I much prefer that one. Now get reading, hermit.
Got it.
Our most read post in May was one by my wonderful wife. She wrote ”
How a Woman Wants to be Loved” as a how to guide to all the husbands out there! It is well worth the read!
Thanks Brad!
i think we all have a despised english teacher in our past. the post that got the most traffic last month on my blog was about mine. and jon acuff. what?
Jon Acuff is an English teacher. Wait. What?
Strangely, I had my highest traffic on days when I didn’t post…
I did get a few comments for this one though:
Now that’s a method for gaining traffic that I could get into, Daniel.
“Writing is not lonely, but avoiding it is.” – http://www.andilit.com/2011/05/25/writing-is-not-lonely-but-avoiding-it-is/.
Since I have figured out the secret (or rather my friend Laraine has – and I just shared it), I think I should get more than a book deal – a movie option should also be included. Work on that for me, Mr. Schmucker, would ya?
Great title. Loved this post Andi.
http://crazywidow.info/?p=3403 Meet my most-read May blog, “I Live” which recalls my some tweets from the night before and my thoughts on how others would feel if I died. Yep, going for the morbid here!
Wait, how did I miss this one? I’m on it Brenda.
So out of FOUR posts last month, the most hits went to Creative Stretch. It was a photography challenge I gave myself. Most likely, it got the most views because I mentioned a very popular photographer and she retweeted me. It is also my favorite post and I definitely want to do another one like it.
Thanks Becky!
I had a post for the Rally to restore unity so I feel like that one was a fluke. Here is the one that had the most interaction:
Genesis 49: Famous Last Tweets http://thewholedangthing.wordpress.com/2011/05/31/genesis-49-famous-last-tweets/
I can’t wait to guest post over there, Ben.
This is the one that got the most traffic, which is crazy ’cause it was Memorial Day. Also, it’s a little more serious than I try to be. :)
Serious is good. I like serious.
My most read blog post in May was :: http://italianlane.com/index.php/2011/05/10/an-experiment-with-lipstick/
And I’m totally ready for all of the fame and fortune that comes along with being at the Top of Your Blog List. :)
You need to buy some really big sunglasses.
My favorite was actually my second most read. entitled “FML”. It’s not quite as racy as it sounds.
My most read post of May was “I want to be like Josh when I grow up.”
First, the new theme is rad! Looks great!
I had the most fun with this post and it got the most pageviews last month:
Hey, thanks Tony. And I look forward to reading your post.
Hey thanks for dong this again Shawn. Was great reading all the other blogs last month. Plus, the book deal would be sweet! ;-) My post from May was this one: http://goo.gl/ZvtL0
My most read post was: 5 Favorite Apps for iPhone Photography
I’m sure it was because of the devout attention to SEO detail.
Here’s mine:
One of my most read and retweeted. All the comments were lost after I switched over to intense debate. :(
One of my favorite posts this month was “Find Your Path — Lessons Learned While Kayaking”
“I don’t know about you, but I’m getting so SICK of hearing about all these men(boys) who can’t keep their junk in their trunk……” Somehow my posts that have to do with sex get the most hits.
When your blog posts enjoy an extended period of gestation, you discover you don’t have much quantitatively to show at the end of the month. But the post I felt the most passion for (even more than for Randy Savage stopping the rapture) was this one about country music — which I like and which I think you should like, too, despite the reality that:
Insufferably bad music doesn’t matter in country
As you know, I’m reading Bird by Bird and trying to buy into her plea that I stop daydreaming constantly about publication. So, I hope you know you are personally thwarting Anne’s (since you ARE on a first name basis) attempt to get me off my high horse…here’s my highlight from May: “Lost and Found.”
I actually did not post anything in the month of May, but this is the post that got the most traffic: http://carmenmccain.wordpress.com/2011/04/13/allah-ya-jikan-hausa-film-actress-maryan-umar-aliyu/
It’s probably not the most interesting thing I’ve written but it dealt with the death of a young actress, and that’s the sort of thing that shows up in google searches.
most popular in may, receiving 3 times as many hits as my second most popular:
and my one main detractor — who told me the post was “insulting, pompous, and self-congratulatory” — came around in the end, and admitted it was funny.
Self-congratulatory is such a cool word.
Fame is scary… But I gotta face my fears, right?
My most read (and favorite!) May post was definitely “Do. Love. Walk.” for Rachel Held Evans’ Rally to Restore Unity. (I can thank her for all the visitors! =)) was a good topic to explore..
Oh! And here’s the link: http://divinest-sense.blogspot.com/2011/05/do-love-walk-restoreunity.html
I have my most popular post for may:
Hope there’s still time! This is mine, about the moral issues surrounding the killing of Osama bin Laden:
Killing Osama Bin Laden: Moral Monday Morning Quarterbacking
Got it, Stefan. Reading them tonight. Thanks for coming by.