The Best Blogs of April…and the Winner is…

Wow! You guys wrote some incredible posts last month. Thanks for taking the time to comment last week and let the rest of us know about the most-read posts on your blog during the month of April.

Sorry for the delay in getting this post up – I had planned on doing it yesterday, but Monday kind of jumped up on me. As always, I enjoyed reading every single one of them. Here are the posts that got my attention, including my favorite one, the writer of which will receive a $50 gift card:


Alise Wright wrote a great piece on “Free Will and Calvinist Atheists”

Brett Harrison, never one to shy away from controversy, writes, “Corporal Punishment: To Spank or not to Spank”

Jennifer Luitweiler’s “Bang and Hang” (a post on imperfectionism)

Rob wrote a thoughtful post entitled “Porn: No Big Deal?”

3D Sound wrote:“Republicans, Obama and Not Shakespeare – The Band Still Needs to Get Paid” (I only take political thoughts seriously when someone is praising the party they normally don’t, or criticizing the party they normally agree with)


Ryan Tate’s “Skipping Rocks With God”
“You might be living in the middle of a lot of questions right now. Questions of your own. Questions asked of you from others. Questions without answers. Questions with answers that you don’t like. Questions that lead to more questions.”

Ken Mueller’s “10 Reasons I Won’t Tweet For You: The Problem With Outsourcing”
“I walked into a store once and the owner was behind the counter. I followed them on Twitter and we had had some great conversations. I introduced myself and they had no clue who I was, despite me telling them I’d be in later that day for a specific item. They had even responded, “Can’t wait to meet you!” Hello? You talk to me yet just a few hours later you don’t remember me or what I need? A rather embarrassing thing for that business owner who had no clue what was being said on Twitter on their behalf.”

Kristina Martin’s “It Should Be Said”
“The first time you weigh more than 100 pounds, you should not be horrified.  You should not compulsively exercise for three hours in hopes of losing those 1.5 pounds.  Hating your body is not okay…at age ten or ever.”

David Nilsen’s “Gotcha Day”
“It was three years ago yesterday I first held you. Three years ago last night since you cried through the dark hours, weeping your loss onto hotel sheets and your parents’ clothes, and finally melted onto my chest in exhausted peace at four in the morning.”

Sarah’s “Just a Stepmom”
“I feel the cold pangs of exclusion, judgment. How dare I masquerade as a mother? Do I not know that I’m “just a stepmom,” the second class mother in the world of parenthood? I had forgotten.”


Caleb Wilde’s “Funerals: The Worst of Life”
“Who taught this young child to do such a thing?  Sure, she may have learned it from her mom, or maybe from Donnie himself, but nobody told this child to love.  She just loved.”

Shoot me an email Caleb and I’ll see that get you the $50 Border’s Gift Card. Oh, wait, didn’t Border’s just go out of business? Maybe Amazon is a better option…

* * * * *

Thanks again for submitting everyone. Swing by last week’s post to read all the great posts that were submitted, and be sure to tune in at the beginning of next month for the contest, “The Best of May.”

12 Replies to “The Best Blogs of April…and the Winner is…”

  1. Thanks Shawn. I’d like to put in a good word for “Thee Rant” by Brenda… A defiantly honest post that hits all the notes it intends to, and several more also.

    1. Thanks for coming by Jennifer. Looking forward to swapping guest posts with you in a few weeks!

  2. Congrats to Caleb – solid post! I’m excited to be hosting him over at my site in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned! (Just got “award-winning” added to his bio!)

    Thanks for these link ups Shawn. Always great to check out what else is going on in the virtual village!

  3. I’ve never won anything in my life … but I’ve bought many things. Who would’ve know that a “10% off Your Next Funeral” coupon was enough to win this competition ….

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