Learning too soon our limitations, we never learn our powers. ~Mignon McLaughlin
Self-doubt is a nasty old thing. Sometimes it drops me in a pitiful heap in my comfy armchair. Sometimes it just follows me around, like that monster in “Lost” that you rarely saw (at least in Season 1). Sometimes self-doubt holds me up and gives me a good, old-fashioned carpet-beating.
I’ve begun to realize something about self-doubt though – it cannot exist in a vacuum. It thrives when I’m comparing myself to others, their accomplishments or characteristics. But when I stop comparing myself, self-doubt starves for lack of nourishment.
Don’t listen to the voices shouting your limitations and comparing you to others. Keep moving forward – your powers are on the other side.
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I’m guest posting for Brenda Boitson (aka Crazywidow) – it’s the story of my mad mini-van driving skills and how my family nearly got stranded in the snow last week. You can read it HERE.
Fell out of bed feeling down. This has brnhiteged my day!
Thanks for posting this. I’m so bad about this very thing. I doubt my writing to death sometimes. You are right we need to stop comparing ourselves to others. Thank you for the post.
Hm, I never thought of it this way, the correlation between self-doubt and comparison. Good thoughts.