The following discourse used to make me want to ram a Twizzler up someone’s nose:
“Hey, how’s it going?” I would ask.
“Living the dream, man, living the dream,” they’d say.
* * * * *
But now, I am, for lack of a better phrase, “living the dream.”
This is to no credit of my own – the business I ran had stalled for two years straight and Maile and I ran out of money. In fact, we ran out of negative money. So I can’t say that I made this huge leap on my own, look at how smart I was to do it, and now I’m writing for a living.
It was pretty much forced on us.
* * * * *
But what about those of you out there who are also “living the dream”? (yuck, please give me an alternative way of saying that in the comments)
Did you make a conscious choice at some point to do what you had always wanted to do? If so, what did you do to make it happen?
Or did fate force your hand?