Doma (The Word for Home in Several Languages)

I first heard about Dan and Julie Clark when they were working with orphans in Russia through Children’s Hopechest. During one of their visits to our small town in Virginia, Julie joined a group of our friends and us for dinner. The next morning I had breakfast with Dan and Dan (different friend, same name).

They are the type of people I think of as friends, even though we’ve probably never spent more than a few hours together. They are good friends of some of our best friends, so that always carries some weight. They care about things that we care about. They are passionate about living out their faith in practical ways: by helping the poor and the marginalized in the world.

So we are friends, even though they may not recognize me if we passed each other in the street…

In the years since I last saw them, they’ve started a non-profit called Doma, which “exists to embrace and empower vulnerable women and children whose homes and lives have been filled with anger, abuse, hostility, pain, and injustice. We believe that communities can be restored and rebuilt.” Their work is done both abroad and within the US.

So, the reason for my blog today…

They’ve recently been given this amazing opportunity – every penny they raise in donations between now and the end of the year will be doubled, up to $27,000.

If you’re drawn to the fight against human trafficking, or if you’d like to help them “embrace and empower vulnerable women,” now is the time to act. It’s Christmas – a flat screen television would be nice. A new game system or expensive piece of jewelry would be a lot of fun. But how about, this Christmas, you help someone get a fresh start? You’re money might be just what is needed to tip the balance in someone’s life.

Check out the blog post about the matching grant challenge HERE

Check out Doma’s website HERE

Check out a powerful story about some of the women that they help, HERE

To have a Merry Christmas, click HERE.


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