A Simple Guide on Keeping the Darkness at Bay


Saruman believes it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I found. I found it is the small things, everyday deeds, ordinary folk, that keeps the darkness at bay. Simple acts of kindness and love.  (The Hobbit)

Friends of ours, selling everything and moving to Haiti to serve the people there. We celebrated their adventure yesterday with good music and good food. The children ran around outside, then came in and looked at the silent auction items, asked what it was all about. Theirs is not a simple act, but one full of kindness and love.

The guy at the toll booth who smiled and wished us a good day.

Whoever it was who mailed us a banker’s check two years ago when I had no work. $1,000. Enough to help us get our feet back under us.

You do not have to have a large platform in order to change the world. You do not have to have a blog read by thousands or a book that’s on the New York Times Best Seller list. You don’t have to pastor a huge church or run a massive business.

You, an ordinary folk, can keep the darkness at bay.

Simple acts of kindness.

Small steps towards love.

What will you do today?

2 Replies to “A Simple Guide on Keeping the Darkness at Bay”

  1. Thanks for the reminder – your emails (blogs, articles) are making a difference for me.

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