When Someone Tells You It’s Not Good Enough

One of the most important things you can remember when it comes to writing is this:

Keep writing.

When the characters threaten anarchy and the plot isn’t clear…

Keep writing.

When you doubt your own ability and think that perhaps you should dedicate your life to accounting, or perhaps buy a sandwich shop…

Keep writing.

When you miss a day or write a day’s worth of work that must be thrown out…

Keep writing.

When your project suddenly feels irrelevant.

Keep writing.

When your blog traffic is a third what it was the week before and the posts are even boring to you…

Keep writing.

When you get so tired of editing and revising that you want to hold a ceremony and burn the manuscript and the hard drive and make smores over the smoldering ashes of your masterpiece…

Keep writing.

When someone tells you it’s not good enough.

Keep writing.

Especially then. Keep writing.

5 Replies to “When Someone Tells You It’s Not Good Enough”

  1. So, two things. Last night, I was perusing the galley copy of my book, going crosseyed with headers and footers and tables of contents. I emailed my editor and told her I thought one chapter was too grandiose and self-important. (only one, mind you). she just laughed at me. We have those moments of doubt, eh.

    Second, as a senior in college, every student had to write what was called a Tutorial; basically a long term paper that was over two semesters and the crux of our academic work. When they were done being graded, we did hold a bonfire and we burned them. (Of course I kept one, and one is in the school library). But stil…

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